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Release: 2015-12-07

This release includes some significant updates to the system. Updates include changes to the API’s and to the UI. For more information on the latest features or to participate in the beta features contact datasnaphelp@neustar.biz.


Advertiser Reporting

You can now create a separate advertiser and pass in that advertiser id along with a campaign event. This allows you to break out the organizations who are running campaigns from those who own the app or own the venues.


The San Francisco Panda Ant’s are playing World Team Tennis at Membley Stadium and Bob’s Cola wants to run a campaign on the Tennis app while people are in the stadium.

You want to provide Bob’s Cola with a report that allows ONLY them to see the campaigns they ran on your app. You can set up Bob’s Cola in the system as an advertiser and send in the Bob’s Cola advertiser id along with any campaign event. Now Bob’s Cola campaigns will be split out in the UI and you can set only coke employees to see the coke advertiser campaign events.

NOTE: Organizations that send campaigns must now have the isAdvertiser flag set to true. This will split out the campaigns into a separate area of the UI. For more information check out the Event and Entity API documentation.

UI Updates

User Rights and Roles

Data Access

Bug Fixes

DSD-1208: Error importing Beacons from Gimbal when there are NULL beacons in Gimbal

DSD-1175,1176: KPI’s not showing charts for Top Venues when run for one Day

DSD-1128: Opening venue drilldown into new browser tab loses date range

DSD-1227: Showing More than 10 Organizations in the Mapping project view hides projects

DSD-1260: Unable to upload large map files