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Release: 2015-08-26


Client / Venue Reporting

We now split up dashboards by clients and by venues. A client can have multiple venues associated with it and the venues can be shared with other clients. The client dashboard provides a reporting overview of all associated venues, providing information such as unique visitors, average dwell time by venue and top most visited venue.

User Reporting

We can now breakdown reporting by audience segment. This is currently available in the analytics API, but will be pushed into the front end soon. View out API documentation here: http://docs.datasnapioanalyticsapidev.apiary.io


Playing maps over a single day now shows traffic movement in 10-minute intervals. This is also available in the analytics API.

Location Management

Places are now segmented into a physical or logical places. If a place is marked as a logical place it will be included in pathing calculations, otherwise it will only be included in place counts. A logical place might include all concessions in different parts of a venue, where as a physical place would be one contiguous area such as north side concessions.

You now have the ability to change beacon, place and geofence names in the UI. This functionality is only available if you are using the entity functionality. If you are not sure please contact me support@datasnap.io.

You can now import beacons, places & geofences via CSV file (Note: this is in alpha, if you’d like to use this utility please contact support@datasnap.io)

Bug Fixes

DSD-997 Import from Gimbal not respecting “IsActive” flag

DSD-971 Path widget says ‘Beacon’ in detail title bar

DSD-1099 Mousing over Path in Detail view Shows ‘Test stuff’ in label